印度部队完成了 " 魔鬼打击演习 " ,展示了军事准备和协调情况。 Indian forces completed Exercise Devil Strike, showcasing military readiness and coordination.
印度武装部队完成了1月16日至19日的联合行动 " 魔鬼打击演习 " ,表明印度陆军空中精锐部队与印度空军高度准备和高度协调。 Indian Armed Forces concluded Exercise Devil Strike, a joint operation from January 16 to 19, demonstrating high operational readiness and coordination between the Indian Army's elite airborne units and the Indian Air Force. 演习强调使用先进技术和同步演习,加强联合行动能力,加强部队的国防准备。 The exercise highlighted the use of advanced technology and synchronized maneuvers, enhancing joint operational capabilities and reinforcing the forces' preparedness for national defense. Zubin A Minwala中将赞扬了这些单位的专业精神和适应能力。 Lieutenant General Zubin A Minwala commended the units for their professionalism and adaptability.