加纳新任公路部长发现Kotoka机场的E-Gate系统缺乏正式合同。 Ghana's new Roads and Highways Minister uncovers lack of formal contract for Kotoka Airport's E-Gate system.
公路和公路部长候任部长Kwame Agbodza在议会审查时透露,科托卡国际机场没有电子Gate系统的正式合同,引起了对采购程序和财务索偿的关切。 The Minister-Designate for Roads and Highways, Kwame Agbodza, revealed during his vetting in Parliament that there is no formal contract for the E-Gate system at Kotoka International Airport, raising concerns about the procurement process and financial claims. 该系统最初打算在政府不承担任何费用的情况下实施,但关于2.4亿美元费用的报告因不准确而被驳回。 The system was initially intended to be implemented at no cost to the government, but reports of a $240 million cost have been dismissed as inaccurate.