Burglar Vance Davis 在华盛顿的Pasco被捕 在两次偷盗后 身着相同衣服 Burglar Vance Davis arrested in Pasco, Washington, after committing two thefts in identical clothing.
在华盛顿帕斯科,一名盗窃犯在两次盗窃未遂中穿着同样的衣服后被捕。 A burglar in Pasco, Washington, was arrested after wearing the same clothes during two theft attempts. 嫌犯Vance Davis在两个不同地点的摄像头上被抓获,他在那里偷了一个灯泡和一个钱包。 Vance Davis, the suspect, was caught on security cameras at two different locations where he stole a package of light bulbs and a purse. 一个名叫Zador的K-9部队帮助找到了他,导致他被捕并随后因多项指控被拘留在富兰克林县监狱。 A K-9 unit named Zador helped locate him, leading to his arrest and subsequent detention in Franklin County Jail on multiple charges.