在魁北克,一辆载有4名青少年的汽车在路外行驶后,一名15岁儿童死亡;这名17岁的司机被逮捕。 A 15-year-old died after a car with four teens went off the road in Quebec; the 17-year-old driver was arrested.
在魁北克的Frampton,一名15岁儿童死亡,一名17岁的司机在汽车驶离高速公路出口附近的公路后被捕。 In Frampton, Quebec, a 15-year-old died and a 17-year-old driver was arrested after their vehicle went off the road near a highway exit. 这辆汽车载着四名青少年;后方乘客被弹射出,在现场死亡。 The car was carrying four teenagers; the rear passenger was ejected and died at the scene. 司机可能面临危险驾驶导致死亡的指控,而其他乘客仅受轻伤。 The driver faces possible charges of dangerous driving causing death, while the other passengers were only slightly injured. 警方排除了将酗酒作为一个因素的可能性。 Police have ruled out intoxication as a factor.