英国委员会敦促政府承认巴勒斯坦、批评以色列在加沙的行动。 UK committee urges government to recognize Palestine, criticizes Israel's actions in Gaza.
联合王国议会国际发展委员会呼吁政府承认一个独立的巴勒斯坦国,规定条件和时间表。 The UK Parliament's International Development Committee has called on the government to recognize an independent Palestinian state, setting conditions and a timeline. 委员会报告批评以色列在加沙的军事行动,强调平民伤亡和基础设施的破坏,并呼吁追究以色列可能违反国际法的责任。 The committee's report critiques Israel's military operations in Gaza, highlighting civilian casualties and infrastructure destruction, and calls for holding Israel accountable for potential violations of international law. 报告还阐述了加沙和西岸的人道主义危机,强调迫切需要援助与和平。 The report also addresses the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the West Bank, stressing the urgent need for aid and peace.