德里房东的儿子因杀害房客而因未偿还的债务和一辆汽车而被捕。 Son of a Delhi landlord arrested for killing tenant over unpaid debts and a car.
德里一名房东的儿子Govind Ballabh因据称因未偿还5万卢比贷款和一辆奔驰车而杀害他的房客Rakesh被捕。 A landlord's son in Delhi, Govind Ballabh, was arrested for allegedly killing his tenant, Rakesh, over an unpaid loan of Rs 5 lakh and a Mercedes car. Rakesh的尸体在池塘中发现,有枪伤,在警察审问期间,Govind招供。 Rakesh's body, found in a pond with a gunshot wound, led to Govind's confession during police interrogation. 特别调查队正在寻找武器,据报在池塘中被丢弃。 The Special Investigation Team is searching for the weapon, reportedly disposed of in the pond.