42岁的Gireesh Babu和Khateeja在喀拉拉邦被捕,罪名是谋杀房地产经纪人Jaysi Abraham, 罪名是报复债务。 Gireesh Babu and Khateeja, both 42, arrested in Kerala for the murder of real estate broker Jaysi Abraham over debt revenge.
42岁的Gireesh Babu和42岁的Khateeja一对夫妇在喀拉拉邦因谋杀55岁的房地产经纪人Jaysi Abraham被捕。 A couple, Gireesh Babu, 42, and Khateeja, 42, were arrested in Kerala for the murder of 55-year-old real estate broker Jaysi Abraham. 亚伯拉罕于 11 月 17 日被发现死在她的公寓里,多处受伤,两个金手镯和她的手机不见了。 Found dead in her apartment on November 17, Abraham had multiple injuries, and two gold bangles and her mobile phones were missing. Babu,一个有债务的朋友,以她为攻击目标,认为她有大笔钱。 Babu, a friend in debt, targeted her believing she had substantial money. 这次犯罪是预先策划的,事先进行了审判。 The crime was pre-planned, with a trial run conducted beforehand. 警察使用了闭路电视录像,并计划在现场收集更多证据。 Police used CCTV footage and plan to gather more evidence at the scene.