斯洛文尼亚在乌克兰政府和United24公司的支持下,向乌克兰捐赠了炸弹处置车辆。 Slovenia donates bomb disposal vehicles to Ukraine, supported by its government and UNITED24.
斯洛文尼亚向乌克兰国家应急服务局捐赠了三辆专门的Kozak PM-L爆炸物处理车,以协助炸弹处理工作。 Slovenia has donated three specialized Kozak PM-L explosive ordnance disposal vehicles to Ukraine's State Emergency Service to aid in bomb disposal. 该捐款得到了斯洛文尼亚政府的财政支持,并得到乌克兰筹资平台United24的协助。 The donation was supported financially by the Slovenian government and facilitated by the Ukrainian fundraising platform UNITED24. 这些车辆的设计用于清除地雷和运输爆炸物设备。 The vehicles are designed for mine clearance and transporting explosive equipment. 斯洛文尼亚外交部长塔尼亚·法扬(Tanja Fajon)于1月17日访问基辅, 她出席反对乌克兰未来倡议的会议, Slovenia's Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon visited Kyiv on January 17, where she attended a meeting opposing initiatives about Ukraine's future without its involvement.