居民担心新的Anna Bay住房项目可能会增加洪水风险, Residents worry new Anna Bay housing project could raise flood risks, ignore climate change.
Anna Bay的居民担心AB Rise开发新的住房会增加洪水风险。 Residents of Anna Bay are worried that a new housing development by AB Rise could increase flood risks. 该项目涉及通过进口多达4米的填充物来耕种土地,引起人们对洪水、火灾风险和生境丧失的担忧。 The project involves raising land by importing up to four meters of fill, sparking concerns over flooding, fire risks, and loss of habitat. 民众认为该计划忽略了气候变化的影响, 并违反政府应对洪水风险增加的准则。 Residents argue the plan ignores climate change impacts and violates government guidelines against increasing flood risks. 案件将交由法院复审。 The case is set to be reviewed in court.