Rahul Gandhi推出「白T恤运动」以打击经济不平等, 批评Modi的政策。 Rahul Gandhi launches "White T-shirt Movement" to fight economic inequality, criticizing Modi's policies.
Rahul Gandhi发起了“白T恤运动”以对抗印度的经济不平等, 指责莫迪政府把少数资本家置于穷人之上, Rahul Gandhi launched the "White T-shirt Movement" to combat economic inequality in India, accusing the Modi government of prioritizing a few capitalists over the poor. 该运动以白色T恤为象征,宣传五项原则:同情、团结、非暴力、平等和人人进步。 The campaign, symbolized by a white T-shirt, promotes five principles: compassion, unity, non-violence, equality, and progress for all. 它的目标是团结印度人,倡导一个公正的社会,与印度丰富的文明的价值观相呼应。 It aims to unify Indians and advocate for a just society, echoing the values of India's rich civilization.