卡塔尔和喀麦隆签署了一项航空服务协定,允许两国之间无限制的飞行。 Qatar and Cameroon signed an air services agreement, allowing unlimited flights between the two countries.
卡塔尔和喀麦隆签署了一项航空服务协定,允许两国间客货无限制飞行。 Qatar and Cameroon have signed an air services agreement allowing unlimited flights for passenger and cargo between the two countries. 两国最高级运输官员签署的这项协议支持卡塔尔在全球扩大其航线的目标,使卡塔尔航空公司受益。 The deal, signed by top transport officials from both nations, supports Qatar's goal of expanding its flight routes globally, benefiting Qatar Airways. 部长们在任命后讨论了如何进一步加强其在运输和航空部门的双边联系。 Post-signing, the ministers discussed ways to further enhance their bilateral ties in transportation and aviation sectors.