卡塔尔和洪都拉斯签署开放天空协定,促进两国之间的航空飞行。 Qatar and Honduras sign open skies agreement, boosting airline flights between the two nations.
卡塔尔和洪都拉斯已签署了关于客运和货运飞行的开放天空协定和谅解备忘录。 Qatar and Honduras have signed an open skies agreement and a memorandum of understanding for both passenger and cargo flights. 这项协定使卡塔尔国家航空公司能够扩大其全球范围。 This pact allows Qatar's national airline to expand its global reach. 两国民航局的代表签署了该协定,他们还讨论了如何加强两国航空双边关系的问题。 The agreement was signed by representatives from both countries' civil aviation authorities, who also discussed ways to strengthen their bilateral relations in aviation.