鲁托总统与奥廷加结盟以稳定肯尼亚的政治,这一计划受到内部异议和反对派的威胁。 President Ruto's alliance with Odinga to stabilize Kenya's politics is threatened by internal dissent and opposition.
由于鲁托政府内部日益增长的异议,鲁托总统与前竞争对手拉伊拉·奥廷加 (Raila Odinga) 的联盟旨在平息肯尼亚的政治气候,该联盟正在步履蹒跚。 President Ruto's alliance with former rival Raila Odinga, aimed at calming Kenya's political climate, is faltering due to growing dissent within Ruto's government. 内阁成员和参议员正在发表反政府声明,而政治分析家汤姆·姆博亚(Tom Mboya)表示,该联盟更多的是政治精英主义,而不是解决肯尼亚问题。 Cabinet members and senators are making anti-government statements, while political analyst Tom Mboya says the alliance was more about political elitism than solving Kenyan issues. 同时,Odinga的ODM党在联盟问题上面临内部纠纷,一些强硬派反对Ruto的政府。 Meanwhile, Odinga's ODM party faces internal disputes over the alliance, with some hardliners opposing Ruto's administration.