Pedestrian在153号公路上丧生;公路在随后与TDOT车辆发生碰撞后关闭。 Pedestrian killed on Highway 153; highway closed after subsequent collision with TDOT vehicle.
周六晚上6时45分左右,一辆汽车在北门购物中心附近穿过153号公路时被撞死一名行人。 A pedestrian was killed after being hit by a vehicle while crossing Highway 153 near Northgate Mall on Saturday night around 6:45pm. 高速公路被关闭进行交通调查。 The highway was closed for a traffic investigation. 后来,一辆卡车在同一地点与田纳西州交通部的车辆相撞。 Later, a truck collided with a Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) vehicle on the same spot. 警方正在调查这些事件,并寻找关于第二次车祸中行人死亡和任何受伤的更多详情。 Police are investigating the incidents and looking for more details about the pedestrian fatality and any injuries in the second crash.