10 月 7 日,一名行人在德克萨斯州东北部埃尔帕索被车辆撞死。 A pedestrian was fatally struck by a vehicle in Northeast El Paso, Texas, on October 7.
10月7日下午7点24分左右,在得克萨斯州El Paso东北部麦坎布斯街9900街区,一辆汽车致命击中一名行人。 A pedestrian was fatally struck by a vehicle in Northeast El Paso, Texas, on the 9900 block of McCombs Street around 7:24 p.m. on October 7. 埃尔帕索警察局正在调查这一事件,指定特别交通调查员负责确定情况。 The El Paso Police Department is investigating the incident, with Special Traffic Investigators assigned to determine the circumstances. 受害者在现场死亡,随着调查的展开,将提供进一步的最新情况。 The victim died at the scene, and further updates will be provided as the investigation unfolds.