巴基斯坦与九个邻国的贸易赤字在H1 2025年猛增43.22%, Pakistan's trade deficit with nine neighbors surged 43.22% in H1 2025, driven by increased imports.
巴基斯坦与9个邻国的贸易赤字在2025财政年度前半期上升了43.22%,主要原因是来自中国、印度和孟加拉国的进口增加。 Pakistan's trade deficit with nine neighboring countries rose by 43.22% during the first half of the fiscal year 2025, mainly due to higher imports from China, India, and Bangladesh. 对阿富汗、孟加拉国和斯里兰卡的出口增加了7.85%,但不足以抵消进口增加29.97%的激增。 Exports to Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka increased by 7.85%, but were not enough to offset the surge in imports, which rose by 29.97%. 尽管为经济自由化和吸引外国投资作出了努力,但巴基斯坦仍然面临人口快速增长、文盲和政治不稳定等挑战。 Despite efforts to liberalize the economy and attract foreign investment, Pakistan still faces challenges like rapid population growth, illiteracy, and political instability.