66%以上的流离失所的克什米尔潘迪特人仍然在克什米尔拥有财产,48.6%拒绝出售。 Over 66% of displaced Kashmiri Pandits still own properties in Kashmir, with 48.6% refusing to sell.
根据最近的一次文化调查,66%以上的流离失所的克什米尔潘迪特家庭仍然在克什米尔谷地拥有财产。 Over 66% of displaced Kashmiri Pandit families still own properties in the Kashmir Valley, according to a recent cultural survey. 调查由Whetstone国际网络和Shree Vishwakarma技术大学进行,调查显示,48.6%的人拒绝出售其祖先的家园,表示希望返回。 Conducted by Whetstone International Networking and Shree Vishwakarma Skill University, the survey reveals that 48.6% refuse to sell their ancestral homes, showing a desire to return. 由于1990年代暴力造成的人口外流,社区人口增长率下降到1.6%。 The community's population growth rate has dropped to 1.6% due to the exodus caused by violence in the 1990s. 调查结果突出表明需要采取康复和安全措施。 The findings highlight the need for rehabilitation and security measures.