Orcas展示了悲伤的征兆 当Tahlequah带着她的死小牛 引发关于动物情绪的讨论 Orcas show signs of grief as Tahlequah carries her dead calf, prompting discussion on animal emotions.
已有7年来第二次在温哥华岛附近看到一只名为Tahlequah的雌性鱼携带死去的小牛, 这种行为被描述为"悲伤游泳". A female orca named Tahlequah has been observed carrying her dead calf near Vancouver Island for the second time in seven years, a behavior described as a "grief swim." 芭芭拉 J Barbara J. King, 动物悲痛专家, 以及《动物如何成长》一书的作者, 认为这说明动物可以体验和表达悲伤。 King, an expert on animal grief and author of the book "How Animals Grieve," believes this indicates that animals can experience and express grief. King希望这将鼓励重新评估如何对待和看待动物的道德观。 King hopes this will encourage a reevaluation of how animals are treated and viewed ethically.