每次涨潮时,不列颠哥伦比亚省纳奈莫市的一名妇女都会用小提琴为一条被困的虎鲸幼崽演奏小夜曲,鼓励它离开偏远的泻湖。 A woman in Nanaimo, B.C., serenades a trapped killer whale calf with her violin at every high tide to encourage it to leave a remote lagoon.
不列颠哥伦比亚省纳奈莫市的一名妇女用小提琴为一条被困的虎鲸幼崽演奏小夜曲,每当潮水高涨时,她都会演奏,试图劝说这头虎鲸离开这个偏远的泻湖,它已经被独自困在那里近四周了。 A woman in Nanaimo, B.C., is serenading a trapped killer whale calf with her violin, playing at every high tide in an effort to coax the orca to leave the remote lagoon where it has been trapped alone for almost four weeks. 加拿大退伍军人卡罗尔·洛夫 (Carol Love) 一边观察潮汐,一边拉小提琴,鼓励虎鲸幼崽穿过桥下的狭窄水道,进入公海。 Carol Love, a Canadian military veteran, is watching the tides and playing violin to encourage the orca calf to pass through a narrow channel, under a bridge, and into the open ocean. 救援队正准备再次尝试用网捕获小鲸鱼并将其运送到附近水域。 A rescue team is preparing another attempt to catch the calf in a net and transport it to nearby waters.