9个国家,包括美国、印度和法国, 参与“La Perouse”海军演习, Nine nations, including the U.S., India, and France, participate in 'La Perouse' naval drills to boost maritime cooperation.
9个国家,包括美国、印度和法国,正在印度洋和太平洋之间的重要海峡参加一场称为“La Perouse”的海军演习。 Nine nations, including the US, India, and France, are participating in a naval exercise called 'La Perouse' in key straits between the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. 演习旨在加强海上监视、阻截和空中业务方面的合作,包括复杂的操作和信息共享。 The exercise aims to enhance cooperation in maritime surveillance, interdiction, and air operations, and includes complex maneuvers and information sharing. 印度海军的INS孟买驱逐舰是演习的一部分,与印度的SAGAR区域海事安全愿景相一致。 The Indian Navy's INS Mumbai destroyer is part of the exercise, which aligns with India's SAGAR vision for regional maritime security.