印度的隐形护卫舰INS Tushil访问了塞内加尔,以加强海军联系并开展联合演习。 India's stealth frigate, INS Tushil, visits Senegal to bolster naval ties and conduct joint exercises.
印度海军的隐形护卫舰INS Tushil访问了塞内加尔的达喀尔,以加强海军联系并进行联合演习。 The Indian Navy's stealth frigate, INS Tushil, visited Dakar, Senegal, to enhance naval ties and conduct joint exercises. 在Peter Varghese上尉领导下,该船将从事军事和社会活动,包括展示其技术并参加与塞内加尔海军的联合巡逻。 Under Captain Peter Varghese, the ship will engage in military and social activities, including showcasing its technology and participating in a joint patrol with the Senegalese Navy. 这次访问强调印度承诺加强与塞内加尔的防务合作。 This visit underscores India's commitment to strengthening defense cooperation with Senegal.