尼日利亚军方发动空袭和地面行动,以摧毁匪徒首领Bello Turji的网络。 Nigerian military launches airstrikes and ground operations to dismantle bandit leader Bello Turji's network.
尼日利亚军队在赞法拉州对臭名昭著的土匪头目Bello Turji发动了一次大规模行动,利用空袭削弱他的行动,迫使他逃离。 Nigerian military forces have launched a major operation against the notorious bandit leader Bello Turji in Zamfara State, using airstrikes to weaken his operations and force him to flee. 这场运动包括地面部队和与当地领导人的情报合作,目的是摧毁图尔吉的网络,它造成了不稳定和数千人流离失所。 The campaign, which includes ground forces and intelligence cooperation with local leaders, aims to dismantle Turji's network, which has caused instability and displaced thousands. 安全分析家希望这些行动标志着打击该地区土匪活动的一个转折点。 Security analysts hope these actions mark a turning point in combating banditry in the region.