在新南威尔士州,“Royal Hotel”是最常见的酒吧名称,出现70多次。 In New South Wales, "Royal Hotel" is the most common pub name, appearing over 70 times.
在新南威尔士州,“皇家旅馆”是最受欢迎的酒吧名称,有70多个场所,其次是“商业旅馆”,有34个,“铁路旅馆”,有20个。 In New South Wales, the "Royal Hotel" is the most popular pub name, with over 70 venues, followed by "Commercial Hotel" with 34 and "Railway Hotel" with 20. 这些名称反映了国家的历史及其过去的行业、传统和人民。 These names reflect the state's history and its past industries, traditions, and people. 自2019年以来,这些场所的数量略有减少,但酒吧仍然是重要的社区枢纽和经济贡献者,在区域尤其如此。 The number of these venues has slightly decreased since 2019, but pubs continue to serve as important community hubs and economic contributors, especially in regional areas.