缅甸的农业贷款项目向5 800多名农民发放了1.1761亿美元用于机械。 Myanmar's agricultural loan project disburses $117.61 million to over 5,800 farmers for machinery.
缅甸农业和农村发展贷款项目于2017年启动,已向5 800多名农民提供了超过1.1761亿美元,用于购买农业机械。 Myanmar's Agriculture and Rural Development Loan Project, launched in 2017, has provided over $117.61 million to more than 5,800 farmers to buy agricultural machinery. 该项目提供低息贷款,并有三年短期和五年长期还款选择。 The project offers low-interest loans with three-year short-term and five-year long-term repayment options. 农业是缅甸一个至关重要的部门,占国内生产总值的60%,雇用65%的劳动力。 Agriculture is a vital sector in Myanmar, contributing 60% to GDP and employing 65% of the workforce. 主要作物包括大米、豆类和芝麻,牲畜也发挥关键作用。 Major crops include rice, pulses, and sesame, with livestock also playing a key role.