奇里科市长概述了2025年的目标,警告要提高税收,并强调可负担性和基础设施项目。 Mayor Chirico outlines 2025 goals, warns of tax hikes, and emphasizes affordability and infrastructure projects.
北湾市市长Peter Chirico在该市发言,总结了2024年的成就,并概述了2025年的目标。 Mayor Peter Chirico of North Bay addressed the city, summarizing 2024's achievements and outlining 2025's goals. 他警告说,由于费用上涨,税收不可避免地会上涨,但他向居民保证,可负担性仍然是优先事项。 He warned of inevitable tax hikes due to rising costs but assured residents that affordability remains a priority. 市长还讨论了正在进行的预算审议,并强调了即将进行的基础设施项目。 The mayor also discussed ongoing budget deliberations and highlighted upcoming infrastructure projects.