Belleville和Brockville的市长们概述了增长计划,涉及住房和保健等关键问题。 Mayors in Belleville and Brockville outline plans for growth, addressing key issues like housing and healthcare.
Belleville市长Neil Ellis强调,在应对城市挑战,包括住房、无家可归和医疗保健等挑战的同时,在推动经济增长方面持乐观态度。 Belleville Mayor Neil Ellis emphasizes optimism in addressing the city's challenges, including housing, homelessness, and healthcare, while promoting economic growth. 他强调与其他政府的合作以及审慎的基础设施预算编制。 He stresses collaboration with other governments and prudent budgeting for infrastructure. 在布罗克维尔,市长Matt Wren和其他领导人对社区增长表示乐观和承诺,突出基础设施项目,承认理事会成员对地方发展和残奥会的贡献。 In Brockville, Mayor Matt Wren and other leaders expressed optimism and commitment to community growth, highlighting infrastructure projects and recognizing council members for contributions to local development and the Paralympics.