Mark Sims在家庭暴力事件发生后与SWAT对峙了两个小时后被捕。 Mark Sims was arrested after a two-hour standoff with SWAT following a domestic violence incident.
在Dalton,29岁的Mark Sims在一次家庭暴力事件后与SWAT对峙了两个小时后被捕,当时他威胁一名妇女并开了一枪。 In Dalton, 29-year-old Mark Sims was arrested after a two-hour standoff with SWAT following a domestic violence incident where he threatened a woman and fired a gunshot. Sims在妇女逃跑并报警后,将自己关在自己的公寓里。 Sims barricaded himself in his apartment after the woman escaped and called police. 僵持状态没有发生任何事件地结束,Sims被指控犯有严重攻击罪;随着调查的继续,有可能提出进一步指控。 The standoff ended without incident, and Sims is charged with aggravated assault; further charges are possible as the investigation continues.