7 月 5 日,伦敦社区福音合唱团与 Urban Soul Orchestra 一起参加 Classic Ibiza 成立 10 周年纪念活动。 London Community Gospel Choir joins Urban Soul Orchestra for Classic Ibiza's 10th anniversary on July 5.
以与 Adele、Blur 和 Madonna 的表演而闻名的伦敦社区福音合唱团将于 7 月 5 日在 Ragley Hall 与 Stephen Hussey 的 Urban Soul Orchestra 一起参加 Classic Ibiza 成立 10 周年。 The London Community Gospel Choir, known for performances with Adele, Blur, and Madonna, will join Stephen Hussey's Urban Soul Orchestra at Ragley Hall on July 5 for Classic Ibiza's 10th anniversary. 这次活动将由合唱团、DJs Goldierocks和Jose Luis领导, The event will feature a mix of classic house tunes, with seamless track transitions, led by the choir and DJs Goldierocks and Jose Luis. 更多细节在经典的ibiza.co.uk. More details at classicibiza.co.uk.