肯尼亚向海地部署更多的警察,旨在遏制导致700 000人流离失所的帮派暴力。 Kenya deploys more police to Haiti, aiming to curb gang violence that has displaced 700,000.
肯尼亚向海地增派了217名警官,加入多国部队,努力遏制帮派暴力。 Kenya has sent 217 more police officers to Haiti to join the multinational force working to curb gang violence. 这使肯尼亚的部署总人数达到600多名军官。 This brings the total Kenyan deployment to over 600 officers. 尽管作出了种种努力,但帮派仍然控制着太子港的85%左右。 Despite their efforts, gangs still control about 85% of Port-au-Prince. 海地的帮派暴力使70多万人无家可归,在过去一年中造成5 600多人死亡。 Gang violence in Haiti has left over 700,000 people homeless and caused more than 5,600 deaths in the past year. 肯尼亚总统威廉·鲁托已承诺派遣多达1 000名军官,作为联合国支持的特派团的一部分。 Kenya's President William Ruto has pledged to send up to 1,000 officers as part of the United Nations-backed mission.