前田纳西州教育主任Penny Schwinn 被特朗普提名为美国教育副秘书。 Former Tennessee education chief Penny Schwinn nominated as U.S. Deputy Secretary of Education by Trump.
当选总统特朗普提名田纳西州教育部前专员Penny Schwinn担任美国教育部副部长。 President-elect Trump has nominated Penny Schwinn, former Tennessee Department of Education Commissioner, as the U.S. Deputy Secretary of Education. Schwinn,在田纳西州、得克萨斯州和特拉华州有经验,倡导学校选择,并将教育权力转移到各州。 Schwinn, with experience in Tennessee, Texas, and Delaware, championed school choice and shifted education power to states. 她在田纳西的流行病反应中发挥了关键作用,并实施了学校代金券计划。 She played a key role in Tennessee’s pandemic response and implemented a school voucher program. Trump强调她承诺向下一代实现美国的梦想。 Trump highlighted her commitment to delivering the American dream to the next generation.