在McArdle桥下发现尸体 波士顿警方调查神秘死亡案 Body found under McArdle Bridge; Boston police investigating mysterious death.
星期六早上7点20分左右, 一具尸体被发现在连接东波士顿和切尔西的麦克阿德尔桥下浮着. 波士顿警察和港口巡逻队已赶到现场, A body was found floating under the McArdle Bridge connecting East Boston and Chelsea early Saturday morning around 7:20 a.m. Boston police and Harbor Patrol responded to the scene, and homicide detectives are now investigating the case. 受害者的身份和死因尚未确定。 The victim's identity and cause of death are yet to be determined. 随着调查的继续进行,预计将有更多的详情。 More details are expected as the investigation continues.