一名47岁男子的尸体在林肯的一座桥下被发现;警方正在进行调查。 Body of a 47-year-old man found under a bridge in Lincoln; police investigation ongoing.
一名47岁男子的尸体在周二上午7时30分左右在林肯第27街和费尔菲尔德街附近的一座桥下被发现,当时有一名路人向当局报案。 A 47-year-old man's body was found under a bridge near 27th and Fairfield streets in Lincoln on Tuesday morning around 7:30 a.m. after a passerby reported it to authorities. 林肯警方正在调查这一事件,刑事调查组的警官和调查员仍在现场。 Lincoln police are investigating the incident, with officers and investigators from the Criminal Investigations Unit still at the scene. 最新情况可在地方新闻网站上查阅。 Updates are available on local news websites.