孟加拉国反腐败委员会指控高级官员通过非法手段积累财富。 Bangladesh's Anti-Corruption Commission charges high-profile officials with amassing wealth through illegal means.
孟加拉国反腐败委员会已对包括前内阁秘书Kabir Bin Anwar、他的妻子Tawfika Ahmed和前农业部长Abdus Shahid在内的几名高级官员提起腐败案件。 The Anti-Corruption Commission in Bangladesh has filed corruption cases against several high-profile officials, including former cabinet secretary Kabir Bin Anwar, his wife Tawfika Ahmed, and former agriculture minister Abdus Shahid. 这些案件指控他们积累了超出其已知收入的财富,存在巨大差异和可疑交易。 The cases accuse them of amassing wealth beyond their known incomes, with large discrepancies and suspicious transactions. 行政协调会怀疑非法积累财富和洗钱行为,根据各种反腐败和洗钱法提交案件。 The ACC suspects illegal wealth accumulation and money laundering, filing the cases under various anti-corruption and money laundering laws.