澳大利亚科学家发现,登曼冰川可对全球海平面升高贡献多达1.5米。 Australian scientists find Denman Glacier could contribute up to 1.5 meters to global sea level rise.
研究南极洲迅速融化的登曼冰川的澳大利亚科学家发现,这可能会促成全球海平面上升1.5米。 Australian scientists studying the rapidly melting Denman Glacier in Antarctica have found it could contribute to a 1.5-meter rise in global sea levels. 冰川融化速度是冰川融化速度的两倍, 研究者都住在边远的Bunger山上, 试图了解不均匀融化过程。 The glacier is melting twice as fast on one side, with researchers based in the remote Bunger Hills trying to understand the uneven melting. 虽然海平面升高的确切时间和规模尚不确定,但这项研究突出了冰川的巨大潜在影响。 While the exact timing and scale of sea level rise are uncertain, the study highlights the glacier's significant potential impact.