研究发现,新西兰的亚洲心理学学生改变他们的外表以避免种族主义。 Asian psychology students in New Zealand alter their appearance to avoid racism, study finds.
在新西兰, 一项研究发现, 亚洲心理学学生正“洗白”自己, In New Zealand, a study found that Asian psychology students are "whitewashing" themselves to secure training opportunities due to racism in the field. 该研究发表在《亚洲-美国心理学杂志》上,显示学生们修改他们的演讲方式,以避免令欧洲同行感到不适。 The research, published in the Asian American Journal of Psychology, revealed that students modify their presentation to avoid discomforting their European counterparts. 该研究呼吁向体制性种族主义提出挑战,支持亚洲心理学家。 The study calls for challenging institutional racism and supporting Asian psychologists.