一名10岁的男孩从印度奥迪沙的学校秋千摔倒后死亡;他的家人指责教师玩忽职守。 A 10-year-old boy dies after falling from a school swing in Odisha, India; his family accuses teachers of negligence.
印度Odisha的Bagapatia高级小学的10岁学生Soumyaranjan Sahu在上学时从学校秋千摔倒后死亡。 A 10-year-old student, Soumyaranjan Sahu, from Bagapatia Upper Primary School in Odisha, India, died after falling from a school swing during school hours. 他的家人和当地人指责教师玩忽职守,并在事件发生后将他们拘留。 His family and locals accused the teachers of negligence and detained them following the incident. 学校有72名学生和5名教师。 The school has 72 students and five teachers.