TikToker赞扬路易斯安那州的加油站食品, 重点强调Cajun和克里奥尔菜, A TikToker praised Louisiana's gas station food, highlighting Cajun and Creole dishes, as part of the state's top-rated stations nationwide.
一位 TikToker 发现路易斯安那州的加油站食物优于其他州的餐馆,特别称赞了加里维尔 Mike's Food Mart 的 Cajun 和克里奥尔菜肴,如小龙虾 etouffee 和面包。 A TikToker found Louisiana's gas station food superior to other states' restaurants, especially praising Cajun and Creole dishes like crawfish etouffee and bread at Mike's Food Mart in Garyville. 根据Elovefood. com, 路易斯安那州拥有美国40家最佳加油站餐厅中的7家。 Louisiana boasts seven of the top 40 best gas station restaurants in the U.S., according to lovefood.com. 《南方生活杂志》也强调Shreveport的Strawns食品店是南方最好的旧餐厅之一,以其馅饼和怀旧气氛闻名。 Southern Living Magazine also highlighted Strawns Eat Shop in Shreveport as one of the South's best retro diners, known for its pies and nostalgic vibe.