Jemal Murph老师不会被解雇 尽管他打了一个学生 根据与学校董事会的保密协议 Teacher Jemal Murph won't be fired despite punching a student, under a confidential agreement with the school board.
教师杰马尔·默夫 (Jemal Murph) 被指控在 10 月份林肯中学的一场足球比赛中殴打一名学生,他不会被解雇。 Teacher Jemal Murph, accused of punching a student during a soccer game at Lincoln Middle School in October, will not be dismissed. 波特兰公共教育委员会与墨菲及其工会达成协议,承认该事件的严重性,同时也考虑到他过去对学校区的贡献。 The Portland Board of Public Education reached an agreement with Murph and his union, acknowledging the incident's severity while also considering his past contributions to the school district. 协议的条款是保密的。 The terms of the agreement are confidential.