Lynzina Sutton, 32岁, 承认在锡拉丘兹中学袭击一名教师有罪, 面临两年监禁。 Lynzina Sutton, 32, pleads guilty to assaulting a teacher at a Syracuse middle school, faces two years in prison.
Lynzina Sutton,32岁,在Syracuse的林肯中学对一名教师拳打脚踢,打断了教师的鼻子后,承认犯有二级攻击罪。 Lynzina Sutton, 32, pleaded guilty to second-degree assault after punching a teacher at Lincoln Middle School in Syracuse, fracturing the teacher's nose. Sutton是学生,准备进入学校,将被判处两年监禁。 Sutton, who posed as a student to enter the school, will serve two years in prison. 她最初面临14项指控,包括危害一名儿童,现在正在等待3月24日的判决。 Initially facing 14 charges, including endangering a child, she now awaits sentencing on March 24.