圣劳伦斯县在值得注意的判刑和护理方案审查中举办粮食分发和雪鞋步行。 St. Lawrence County hosts food distribution and snowshoe walk, amid notable sentencing and nursing program review.
2025年1月18日,纽约州圣劳伦斯县正在主办若干活动,包括上午8时30分至10时在马塞纳圣彼得外联部分发食品,下午2时在尼坎德里自然中心免费游雪。 St. Lawrence County, NY, is hosting several events on January 18, 2025, including a food distribution at St. Peter's Outreach Ministry in Massena from 8:30 to 10 a.m. and a free guided snowshoe walk at Nicandri Nature Center at 2 p.m. 该地区还见证了亚当·史密斯 (Adam Smith) 被判处终身监禁,预计将提出上诉,认证机构正在寻求对纽约州立大学坎顿分校护理项目的反馈。 The area also saw the sentencing of Adam Smith to life in prison, expected to be appealed, and accreditors are seeking feedback on SUNY Canton's nursing program.