SSC允许额外的609名候选人参加2级CGL考试,从1月20日开始,根据法庭的命令。 SSC allows extra 609 candidates for Tier 2 CGL exam starting Jan 20th, per tribunal order.
工作人员甄选委员会允许另外609名候选人根据中央行政法庭的命令,从1月20日起参加第二级综合研究生等级考试。 The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has allowed an additional 609 candidates to take the Tier 2 Combined Graduate Level (CGL) exam starting January 20th, following orders from the Central Administrative Tribunal. 这些新候选人的入职卡将于今天1月18日发布。 Admit cards for these new candidates will be released today, January 18th. 经修订的 " 名单3 " 员额的截止分数也已更新,可在南南合作理事会官方网站上查阅。 The revised cut-off scores for List-3 posts have also been updated and can be found on the SSC's official website.