Meghalaya的学校将主要考试推迟至2025年州级大选后。 Schools in Meghalaya postpone key exams until after state elections in 2025.
梅加拉亚学校教育委员会(Megahalaya Countil of Meghalaya Countil of school教育委员会(Meghalaya Countil of School教育委员会)因即将举行州级选举,于2025年推迟了若干次SSLC考试和HSSLC考试。 The Meghalaya Board of School Education has postponed several SSLC and HSSLC exams in 2025 due to upcoming state elections. 最初于2月21日进行的SSLC数学考试现于2月25日进行。 The SSLC Math exams, originally on February 21, are now on February 25. HSSLC的物理、社会学和职业学考试分别转到3月6日、18日和19日。 HSSLC exams for Physics, Sociology, and vocational subjects have been moved to March 6, 18, and 19 respectively. 这些改变旨在尽量减少学生在选举期间受到的干扰。 These changes aim to minimize disruptions for students during the election period.