西蒙·拜尔斯 (Simone Biles) 和她的丈夫乔纳森·欧文斯 (Jonathan Owens) 在《体育画报》的年度最佳运动员活动中进行了有趣的运动和其他技能比赛。 Simone Biles and her husband Jonathan Owens playfully competed in athleticism and other skills at Sports Illustrated's Sportsperson of the Year event.
Simone Biles和她的丈夫Jonathan Owens在《体育年》的《运动员》节目上露面, 欧文说比莱斯是比他更好的运动员。 Simone Biles and her husband Jonathan Owens appeared at Sports Illustrated's Sportsperson of the Year event, where Owens joked that Biles is a better athlete than him. 这对夫妇于2023年4月结婚, 也巧妙地讨论他们在啦啦队、烹饪和时尚方面的技能。 The couple, married in April 2023, also playfully discussed their skills in cheerleading, cooking, and fashion. 欧文斯注意到他比她更关注Biles的体操 比她更关注他的足球比赛 Owens noted he pays more attention to Biles' gymnastics than she does to his football games.