2024 奥林匹克体操冠军Simone Biles购买了150 000美元定制的白色奔驰G-Wagon。 2024 Olympic gymnastics champion Simone Biles buys a $150,000 customized white Mercedes G-Wagon.
2024年奥运会体操冠军西蒙娜·拜尔斯 (Simone Biles) 庆祝了她的创纪录成就, 购买了一辆价值15万美元的定制白色梅赛德斯G-Wagon, 2024 Olympic gymnastics champion Simone Biles celebrated her record-breaking accomplishments with a substantial purchase, buying a $150,000 customized white Mercedes G-Wagon featuring red leather interiors. 这位27岁的美国体操运动员, 现在是历史上获得最多奖章的运动员, 在Instagram上分享了她新车的照片, The 27-year-old American gymnast, who is now the most decorated in history, shared pictures of her new car on Instagram, alongside a photo of her previous black Mercedes G-Class. 同时,她和她的丈夫乔纳森·欧文斯 正在德克萨斯建造一座300万美元的豪宅 Simultaneously, she and her husband, Jonathan Owens, are constructing a $3 million mansion in Texas.