Scammers通过电子邮件窃取苹果身份证, 将用户引向伪造的验证站点。 Scammers are stealing Apple IDs through emails directing users to a fake verification site.
新的苹果ID骗局正在通过看似官方的电子邮件传播,敦促用户在假苹果网站上验证账户。 A new Apple ID scam is spreading through emails that look official, urging users to verify their accounts on a fake Apple website. Scammers收集登录细节和个人信息,以窃取数据或进行未经授权的采购。 Scammers collect login details and personal info to steal data or make unauthorized purchases. 为了保持安全,使两个因素的验证成为可能,使用强有力的密码,不断更新软件,避免可疑的链接,以及使用抗病毒软件和密码管理器。 To stay safe, enable two-factor authentication, use strong passcodes, keep software updated, avoid suspicious links, and use antivirus software and a password manager.