警方为查谟和克什米尔Kishtwar的四名恐怖分子的资讯提供5万卢比的奖励。 Police offer Rs 5 lakh reward for info on four terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir's Kishtwar.
查谟和克什米尔警方在Kishtwar区张贴了4名活跃恐怖分子的海报,悬赏5万卢比,以换取可信的情报,从而将他们抓获。 The Jammu and Kashmir Police have released posters featuring four active terrorists in Kishtwar district, offering a reward of Rs 5 lakh for credible information leading to their capture. 查明的恐怖分子是Saifullah、Farman、Adil以及据信是Basha。 The terrorists identified are Saifullah, Farman, Adil, and another believed to be Basha. 海报用乌尔都语和英语写成,警察敦促公众提供信息,确保保密。 The posters are in Urdu and English, and the police urge the public to provide information, assuring confidentiality. 该地区最近发生的恐怖袭击与以巴基斯坦为基地的指挥员散布好战行为有关。 Recent terror attacks in the area are linked to Pakistan-based handlers spreading militancy.