Pulwama的6名JEM同伙被捕,收缴了包括简易爆炸装置在内的武器,招募工作正在进行中。 6 JeM associates in Pulwama arrested, weapons including IEDs recovered, recruitment efforts ongoing.
在查谟和克什米尔Pulwama区,警察逮捕了设在巴基斯坦的恐怖主义团体Jaish-e-Mohammad(JeM)的6名同伙,据称他们为恐怖主义活动招募当地青年。 In Pulwama district, Jammu and Kashmir, police arrested six associates of the Pakistan-based terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) who were allegedly recruiting local youth for terrorist activities. 当局收缴了藏匿的武器,包括简易爆炸装置、武器和弹药。 Authorities recovered a cache of weapons, including improvised explosive devices (IEDs), arms, and ammunition. 逮捕行动是在得到有关该团体招募工作的情报后进行的,调查正在进行中,预计还会进一步逮捕行动。 The arrests followed intelligence on the group's recruitment efforts, with investigations ongoing and further arrests anticipated.