巴基斯坦监狱过度拥挤52%,关押了102 000多名囚犯,条件恶劣。 Pakistan's prisons are overcrowded by 52%, housing over 102,000 inmates and facing poor conditions.
巴基斯坦的监狱过于拥挤,容纳了其授权容量的152%,128个设施中有102 026名囚犯。 Pakistan's prisons are severely overcrowded, housing 152% of their authorized capacity, with 102,026 inmates across 128 facilities. 报告强调了诸如生活条件差和缺乏适当保健等问题。 The report highlights issues like poor living conditions and lack of proper healthcare. 它建议采用替代性判刑和司法改革。 It recommends alternative sentencing and judicial reforms. 此外,尽管努力减少死刑,但死囚人数已增至3 616人,这导致人们呼吁制定更明确的判刑准则。 Additionally, the number of death row prisoners has risen to 3,616, despite efforts to reduce capital punishment, leading to calls for clearer sentencing guidelines.