英格兰的多个理事会收到一系列住宅和可再生能源项目规划申请。 Multiple councils in England receive wave of planning applications for homes and renewable energy projects.
最近几个星期,巴辛斯托克、埃克塞特和北赫茨的理事会收到了许多规划申请。 In recent weeks, councils in Basingstoke, Exeter, and North Herts have received numerous planning applications. 这些项目包括住宅改造、扩建、新建筑,以及诸如EV收费点和能源中心等基础设施项目。 These include residential conversions, extensions, new builds, and infrastructure projects like EV charge points and an Energy Centre. 值得注意的项目涉及将商业空间转化为住房、建造新住宅和安装可再生能源系统。 Notable projects involve converting commercial spaces to homes, building new dwellings, and installing renewable energy systems. 详情可在各理事会网站上查阅。 Full details are available through respective council websites.