索默塞特和东德文理事会收到各种拆除、翻新和新建筑的规划申请,包括100兆瓦电池储存系统。 Somerset and East Devon councils received various planning applications for demolition, renovation, and new construction, including a 100MW battery storage system.
在 10 月 11 日这一周,萨默塞特郡和东德文郡议会收到了多份规划申请。 During the week of October 11, Somerset and East Devon councils received multiple planning applications. 主要提案包括在萨默塞特郡拆除和重建房屋、改建附属建筑和扩建,以及在东德文郡建造 100MW 电池存储系统和树木移除。 Key proposals include the demolition and rebuilding of homes, annex conversions, and extensions in Somerset, alongside a 100MW battery storage system and tree removals in East Devon. 北赫茨还看到新住宅和各种翻修的申请。 North Herts also saw applications for a new home and various renovations. 每项申请正由各自的理事会审查,以便批准或驳回。 Each application is under review by the respective councils for approval or denial.